
Direction & Script - Mathieu Pradat

Dialogues - Mathieu Pradat, Sandra Rodriguez

Character Graphical Bible - Romain Bernini

Music - Frédéric Verrières

Produced by

La Prairie Productions

Producer - Mathieu Pradat, executive producer

Anne-Lise Miller

Co-produced by

Wild Fang Films

Hélène Walland, Christian Neuman

Normal studio

Partners - Mathieu Saint Arnaud, Philippe Belhumeur, Sébastien Grenier Cartier

General Director - Sébastien Grenier Cartier

Associate producer

SMALL Creative

Vincent Guttmann, Voyelle Acker, Jean Dellac

Zeilt / YAAARGames



Mystic Man & Deputy Sheriff - Axel Beaumont (France), Thomas Vallières (Canada)

Previous performer - Angélique Heller (Dorothy), Pierre Tallaron (Mystic Man 
and Deputy Sheriff)

With the voices of

David - Tony Sanial
their companion - Tony Marot

Pearl - Mila Pousséo
their companion - Françoise Pousséo

Dorothy - Chloé Froget

Motion Capture - Anne Klein, Marianne Bourg

Studio Luxembourg Zeilt / YAAARGames

Studio Director - Laurent Witz

Production Manager - Alice Backscheider, Emy Contassot

Production Coordinator - Marie Garré, Anaëlle Le Coz, Raphaël Thil, Ingrid Ossola

Human Ressources - Audrey Staebler

Technical Director - Maxence Hammen, Robin Daloze

Asset Manager / IT - Jordan Ellapin, Sam Audiffret

Developer - Robin Daloze

Head of 3D Design and Modeling Unit - Philippe Steinkamp

3D Modeling Team - Camille Haumont, Frédéric Wedeux, Fabien Weibel

3D Rigging Team - Frédéric Wedeux, Laury Le Maguer

Head of 3D Layout Unit - Camille Haumont

3D Layout Team - Laury Le Maguer, Jérémy Destaebel, Léo Vernoux

Head of 3D Animation Unit - Michael Wijaya, Sarah Sutter

3D Animation Team - Frédéric Wedeux, Léo Vernoux, Sophie Fortemps, Hugo Mougel, Fanny Martin, Jérémy Destaebel, Vincent Desloover

Head of MOCAP - Fabien Weibel

MOCAP Team - Anna Vassileva, Laury Le Maguer

Studio France Small Creative

Creative Technologist - Jean Dellac

Project Lead / Technical and Creative Supervision - Noëlie Delesse

Production Manager for LBE / Production Assistant - Léo Tavares

Lead Developers - Julien Balestrieri, Pierre Roquin, Stéphane Erguine

Technical Manager / Developer - Alexis Parent

Developers - Sofiane Tihdaini, Stefroy Pinto, Thomas Dumonnet

Tech Art - Pierre Didier

Look Dev - Victor Soulie

3D Environments - Noémie Crozat

Graphic Design - François Bonnières

3D Support - Lorenzo Luis, Axel Mounier

3D Intern - Astrid Essengue-Dooh

IT - Vincent Champsiaux, Matthias Cortet

Accounting - Loetitia Villeneuve

Prototype Phase

Production Manager for Development - Julien Bercy

Integration - Laura Lassus-Pigat

3D Intern - Alida Danican

Studio Son France G4F PROD

Studio Director - Vincent Percevault

Business Manager - Cyril Jegou

Production Director - Isabelle Ballet

Financial Director - Alexandra Percevault

Sound Designer - Laurent Bariet

Sound and Music Integration - Laurent Bariet

Sound Mixing & Spatialization - Michèle Kopff

Additional Sound Designers - David Tourdot-Fuentes, Léo Gayou, Vincent Ducasse

Foley Artist - Renaud Denis

Voice Recording Lylo

Sales Manager - Laurence Chiche

Project Manager - Eric Dumas

Voice Casting Director - Elisa Bourreau

REC Manager - Laetitia Szewc

Sound Engineer - Luis Gonzalez

Sound Operator - Bastien Burchi

Sound Editing - Valérie Arlaud

Studio Sound Acturus Marseille - Mikaël Barre, Ange Hubert

Graphic Designer Un p'tit coquelicot, Marie Ève Roques

"L'appel du Mystic Man" & "Here for you"
Music - Frédéric Verrières
Lyrics - Mathieu Pradat

Luxembourg Wild Fang Films

Producers - Hélène Walland, Christian Neuman

Production Director - Barbara Bernini

General Management - Hélène Walland

Head Decorator for MOCAP - Sheyda Vatan Khah

Prop Master - Paul Biwer

Set Design - Serge Ecker

MOCAP Casting Luxembourg - Mathieu Pradat, Hélène Walland

Making of - Ornella Marc

Catering - Sara Pastor

Accomodation - Livia Langers

Flooring Fabrication - Marc Pesch sarl - Emilie Pierson, Jacques Pesch, Tristan Condamines, Marc Pesch, Patricia Manetta

Drivers - Osvaldo Medina, Hélène Walland

Studio - Filmland S.A. - Jérôme Thewes - FreeLens Studio - Yann Figuet

Vehicle Provider - Intralux

Accountancy Firm - Luxconcept, Christophe Thirion, Evelyn Schweitzer, Julien Libolt

Legal Counsel - Maître Laure Stachnik

Audit - Grant Thornton

Bank - ING - Frank Stammel

Credit Institution - COFILOISIRS - Isabelle Devaux, Thomas Roublot, Valerie Mussaut, Mathilde Chalaye, with the support of the IFCIC

Canada Normal Studio

Producers - Sébastien Grenier Cartier, Yannick Bocquet, Dominique Joly, Camille Renaud

Project Managers - Manon Guerin, Samuel Greffe, Sophie Montmagny, Karine Brisson, Camille Renaud

Designers - Philippe Belhumeur, Félix Fradet Faguy, Sandra Rodriguez, Céline Arneaudeau

Making-of - Frédérique Dicaire

Modeling and Animation Team - Charly Tempez, Victor Kawajigashi, Frédéric LeBlanc, Martin Paré, Frédéric Vicaire

Marketing Team - Website - Poster Design - Antoine Garcia, Raphaël Sarfati

Administration - Catherine Bessette, Mariève Thifault


France La prairie productions

President - Bernard Pradat

Executive Producer - Mathieu Pradat

Producer - Anne-Lise Miller

Accountant - Véronique Sevilla

Chartered Accountant - Renaud Maris

Luxembourg Wild Fang Films

Producer - Hélène Walland

Producer - Christian Neuman

Production Director - Barbara Bernini

Canada Normal studio

Founders - Mathieu Saint Arnaud, Philippe Belhumeur, Sébastien Grenier Cartier

General Director - Sébastien Grenier Cartier


The production would like to thank

VHRAM! : Ulrich Schrauth, Sabrina Schmidt, Noemi Garay Murcia - Venice VIrtual : Michel Reilhac, Liz Rosenthal - Véronique Baton, Raphaëlle Madelin, Pauline Grison et Marion Vernerey - Chloé Jarry - Joris Mathieu, Céline Le Roux et toutes les équipes du TNG - Nicolas Rosette & Chimères - Myriam Achard, Julie Tremblay et toutes les équipes du centre Phi - Camille Lopato, Marc Lopato, Paul Bouchard, Hugo Teixeire, Stella Jacob, Agata di Tommaso et les équipes de Diversion Cinéma - Elie Levasseur - Alexandrine Stehelin - Gibran Ramos & Tupac A Martir - Sarah Wolozin, William Charles Uricchio, Sandra Rodriguez et toutes les équipes du MIT Open Documentary Lab - Benoît Blanchard, Christine Gendre d'Unifrance - Eric Prunier, Pierre-Yves Colignon - Audrey Pacard. Dorothé Pousséo - Tony Marot - CNC : Pauline Augrain, Olivier Fontenay, Lory Facchi, Lila Gleizes, Chloé Robinet, Anna Charrière - Ville de Paris : Elodie Pericaud - Pictanovo : Clarisse Beaucamp, Pauline Parent, Maud Renusson - Région Sud : Florian Cabane, Karen NIelsen - Bibliothèque Françoise Sagan, Carine Guilleau, Clara Fournie - Bibliothèque Vaclav Havel, Pascal Ferry, Julie Herrewyn, Alice Boussicaut - New Images XR Market : Michael Swierczynski, Elie Levasseur, Karine Lagrange - Villa Albertine Emma Buttin - Camille JeanJean, Frédérique Horn, Marceau Crespo - Villa Mais d'Ici, Michel Risse, Renaud Biri - Chimères, Nicolas Rosette - L'Université du Québec à Montréal, Jasmine Pigeon-Bourque - Le Centre Le Mistral, Perrine Traversier - Film Fund Luxembourg : Guy Daleiden, Karin Schockweiler, et toute leur équipe ainsi que le comité de séléction - Laure Hemmer, Livia Langers.

Normal Studio thanks

Téléfilm Canada et la SODEC pour le soutient. L'équipe du studio et les collaborateurs qui ont participé au projet ainsi que les studios Français et Luxembourgois avec qui nous avons collaborer.

Mathieu Pradat thanks

Marie Eve Roques, Gustave Pradat, Nicolas Pradat, Anne-Lise Miller, Coline Delbaere, Poll Pebe Pueyrredón, Emma Hamilton, Jean Dellac, Noëlie Delesse, Camille Luquet, Nicolas Rosette, Bernard Pradat, Odile Bernet-Rollande, Samuel Delmas, Shaliny Roose, Eric Sfar, Caroline Leroux, Stéphane Danel, Céline Riondel, Shemie Reut, Gérald Godde, Xuân-Lan Guyot, Livia Langers, Samuel Greffe - Charles Ayats - L'ensemble de beta-testeurs de l'oeuvre. Emma Yves - Gaëtan Pellan et les équipes du consulat de Montréal.


Composer - Frédéric Verrières

Songs : "L'Appel du Mystic Man" & "Là Pour Toi" composed by Frédéric Verrières, writen by Mathieu Pradat

The Roaming - Wetlands, single user

Interpretation / live

Mystic Man - Stephen Harisson, Nicolas Pradat

Interpretation / voicing

Pearl - Béatrice Mujdei

David - Barbara Weber Bourtani, Avant Strangel

Executive production La prairie procuctions

Executive Producer - Mathieu Pradat

Production Director - Emma Hamilton

Interaction Development - André Berlemont, Franck Marandet

Shader artist & Environment Modeling - Léon Denise

Interaction Design & Modeling - Samuel Lepoil

Development Supervisor - Tamanoir, Remi Large

Motion Capture - Satore Studio, Patrick Girard Quinnell

Technical Supervision & Making-of - Poll Pebe Pueyrredón

Coproducer DVgroup

Studio Direction - Julien Abbou, Pierre Davy, Matthieu Jouis, Antoine Cardon

Producer - Coline Delbaere, Nicolas Corman

Production Director - Nicolas Deschamps

Development - Mathieu Jouis, Olivier Nemoz, Sylvain Hayot

3D Modeling - Jérémy Ranc

MOCAP Supervisor - Antoine Cardon

Technical & post production Supervisor - Guillaume Malichier

Rigger - "Castor" Olivier Georges

Stage Manager - Clément Verin

Executive studio Demute

Supervision - François Fripiat, Pablo Schwilden Diaz, Carlos de Montesinos

Design sonore - Juilen Gerber

Sound Engineer - Recording - Mathias Large

Sound Editing - Water Fiorini

Premix - Gabriel Prodhomme

Foley Artist - Julien Chirouze

Casting Direction- Lydie Le Dœuf

Press Attachés - Dan Benzakeim, Jessie Cohen, Nicole Kerr, Arikai Tabeson

With the participation of - DVgroup, Satore Studio, Demute, Tamanoir

With the support of - CNC - PICTANOVO - UNIFRANCE - VHRAM!


© La Prairie productions - Wild Fang Films - Normal Studio - Small Creative - 2024